2019 is well under way and as I sit in my new office on the first day back after xmas and new year, I’m winging my way through this blog and I’m trying hard to remember my favourite bits of 2018. There were 48 amazing weddings in 2018 which have provided some spectacular memories to treasure.
Big shout out to every couple and the whole industry for making through the summer of 2018 - It was one hell of a sweat fest! Didn’t see rain at a wedding for nearly four months!
I truly have the best job in the world working alongside all you happy couples, your guests and venue staff - I haven’t had a crap day at work for years and that truly is a gift! You guys provide the memories and thanks to you all for making this job a blessed one!
I can’t sit here and write about my favourite moments of 2019 as there’s just too many and I’ve got weddings to edit, albums to design and new websites to build. Speaking of which - my new site will hopefully be up and running early March once I’ve finished designing it - It looks amazing so far!!! Cant wait to share it with you all
Here’s my favourite 250 images from an amazing year. 2019 lets do it
(Apologies to those who married in December - unfortunately your weddings aren’t edited yet so cant feature in the blog)