Can't believe we're at the end of another majestically mental year! 2017 was by far the busiest for me since I've been shooting weddings. The best thing about this job is even when it's at it's busiest it's never stressful - that's partly because I love what I do! And who cant love being surrounded by happy people, super talented suppliers, stunning venues and most of all my amazing couples!
It's an amazing job and I'm privileged to part of all these stunning wedding days! So after another 47 weddings throughout 2017 it's that time where I go through every wedding and choose a handful of photos which truly represents every thing I love about photography!
From the nervous preparations all the way through to throwing those drunken shapes late on there's a selection of everything. 200 images of the very best of 2017!
An extremely mahooosive thank you to every couple who I've had the privilege of working with during 2017. Thanks for going to the lengths you've gone to to organise such amazing wedding's and an even bigger thanks for letting me be part of it all!
Here's to the future class of 2018 and another 48 weddings! Bring it on
Chris x